

Monday, 28 December 2015

Introducing... Fahima Munene and Steven Payne

Hello! My name is Steven Payne, a graduate of Computer Animation Arts, and I will be collaborating with Fahima Munene to bring her striking painting, Lamu Under Orange Skies, to life as an animated short.

Lamu Under Orange Skies - Fahima Munene

My work often draws influence from the traditional, be it cinematic technique, design, even storytelling. I enjoy deconstructing the particular components that make up a subject, such as a certain style of film or a particular time period, and attributing these discoveries to my own work.

In my most recent projectFranklin, I did just that. I took apart several elements of the 1970s, specifically, horror movies of the time and British culture, and used them to tell the story of a misunderstood child stylist.

I will be adopting this strategy once again for the adaptation of Fahima's artwork, discovering how this painting came to be and applying it to our animation. I am very excited to be working alongside Fahima and cannot wait to see how things develop over the coming weeks!

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