

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Churchill and Emily -Beginning Playblasts

Seeing as I had already kickstarted movement with the rendered run previously, I decided to work into the animation and match it to my animatic and the music. I went on to create the next sequence of motions beyond the introduction. The scene following what has been created thus far still needs work. New versions of that section will appear over the coming days as I work out what suits the scene best. in the meantime feedback on the movement would be greatly appreciated!



  1. Hi Emily - I'm just wondering if it's possible for the green eye stem to react as the eye bounces against it - as it seems solid and unyielding in a way that the rest of the green element does not? Just a bit of squash on impact etc...

    1. Oh yes definitely its been rigged to do that. I'd forgotten to get it moving!! I'll get right on it!

  2. Aaaa, exciting! It looks awesome so far :D

  3. I also agree that the eye stem could do with a little movement. Getting more interesting
